
What Makeup Used For Film Sets

Hair and makeup are a vitally of import function of the filmmaking process, even if information technology's not always obvious.

Even when they aren't painting actors to wait similar aliens, hair stylists and makeup artist help the managing director tell stories about characters and assist the cinematographer make their vision a reality.

Hair and Make Up - Michael Caine on Hair and Make Up - ProductionBeast

Whether you're fresh out of cosmetology school or just starting out with dreams of a Best Makeup Oscar in your head, here's how y'all get your start in hair and makeup.

What is the hair and makeup department?

While hair and makeup are, technically, two different departments, they're oft referred to as one. An role player's kickoff port of telephone call upon arriving on set isn't hair, then makeup.  It'southward pilus and makeup.

They work together hand in paw, ofttimes share trailer space, and on smaller shoots, may even be the same person.

Pilus Stylist  Duties

Hair stylists cutting and style the actors' hair in whatever manner is required for the character. A hero's perfect spit curl one day, crazed bed-head another, and adjacent week  it to look like it'due south been in an explosion.

Hair and Make Up - Hair and Make Up in Amadeus - ProductionBeast

The elaborate wigs of Amadeus (1985) won information technology the University Honour for Best Makeup and Hairstyling

They're as well in charge of all wigs and bald caps to be applied over the course of the shoot, as well equally caring for the wellness of the actors who have to wearable them.

A poorly applied wig tin can easily impairment an actor's scalp quite badly upon removal, or even over the course of a working day.

Makeup Artist Duties

Makeup artists are in charge of applying picture show makeup to all the actors. Not but choosing which cosmetics a female graphic symbol might use, but designing looks for all characters.

These tin can exist used to  accomplish certain effects (making someone expect dingy or sinister) or simply to set up an histrion's skin to reverberate the lights the cinematographer is setting upwardly properly.

This is too known every bit making someone "Camera Ready."  Even if a character doesn't need whatsoever particular makeup, they notwithstanding need to be made up for the hash lights and an HD camera that captures EVERYTHING.

As Hollywood pushes to get more diverse, expert makeup artists and hair stylists are more in demand than ever in social club to properly prepare actors of various peel colors and hairstyles to be photographic camera ready.

Who does hair and makeup study to?

Film sets are very hierarchical. Even the smallest curt is an incredibly circuitous procedure, and a articulate chain of command is vitally important.

Key makeup artists and key hair stylists led the pilus and makeup departments. They both report to the production designer (or art director) who then reports to  directors themselves.

On larger shoots, the keys supervise a squad of hair stylists and movie makeup artists to ensure every role player gets appropriate attention.

It'southward mutual for the key to take the pb on the main characters, while their subordinates handle everyone else, from supporting cast to extras.

Some major stars take hair stylists and makeup artists they prefer to piece of work with on every shoot. A star might have a favorite celebrity hair stylist, for instance.

That celebrity hair stylist would work merely with the star, but would yet do so in consultation with the key hair stylist, reporting to the production designer.

If a shoot needs them, special effects makeup artists might work under the key makeup artist or in their ain department that reports to the product designer.

It all depends on the complication of the special effects makeup and how important the pb special effects makeup artist is.

The social hub on set

There is i other aspect to hair and makeup, although it's never an official one and it's not taught in cosmetology school.

Pilus and makeup is usually the social hub of any picture show set. It'due south where everyone has to go at the showtime of their twenty-four hour period and the last identify everyone has to go earlier they leave.

If someone has a bad attitude at hair and makeup, it volition spread throughout the ready, and no one ever did good by having a reputation for a bad mental attitude.

By the aforementioned token, if someone'southward having problems, the hair stylists and makeup artists are usually the start to hear about them.

Just remember about how much you tell your hairdresser or barber, and yous might first to go an idea.

Hair and Make Up - Hair and Make Up Stylist Example - ProductionBeast

This pilus stylist knows secrets like y'all wouldn't believe.

A smart director uses their hair stylists and makeup artists strategically in helping to manage the emotional health of their set, and smart 1st AD knows where to go to learn nearly bug before they fester.

How to Go a Makeup Creative person or Hair Stylist?

Of course, before you lot can earn a film hair stylist's bacon, you lot need to accept a motion picture pilus stylist's skills. While there are some subtle difference when you offset to specialize as specifically a hair stylist or a makeup artist, their paths are like.

i. Attend cosmetology school

Cosmetology schoolhouse is not a requirement towards becoming a professional pilus stylist or makeup artist on set. That is, yous're unlikely to see a listing on ProductionBeast that specifies that you accept attended school.

However, while information technology may non be required, most working hair and makeup professionals practice choose to go that extra step.

There are plenty of youtube tutorials out in that location to help you lot go your offset, specially in makeup, simply at that place's nothing similar cosmetology school to give you the total breadth of grooming.

This is specially true for those wondering how to go a hair stylist in motion picture. There aren't a lot of chances to practice with wigs outside of theater or cosmetology school.

You'll also likely find less willing guinea pigs to practice on.

Hair and Make Up - Hair and Makeup on Edward Scissorhands - ProductionBeast

Los Angeles has some of the best cosmetology schools in the country, and several offer specialized courses for film makeup and hairstyling. If it's within your upkeep, consider moving out to the West Coast.

After all, if you desire to make information technology a career, you'll likely have to move out here anyway.

Simply all that learning tin can't make up for some hard experience.

two. Work behind the salon chair

A lot of film hair dressers earn their stripes working backside a salon chair. Aside from giving you a steady source of income betwixt shoots, it also gives you experience working with existent hair and opinionated customers.

This will be important later when yous have a director making demands in one ear and a movie star in another.

Merely both makeup artists and hair stylists could benefit from spending some time on set. Open up up ProductionBeast and search for production assistant jobs.

Be the best PA you tin be. Keep in touch with ProductionBeast's networking tools -- these will exist your future employers ane solar day.

More importantly, though, pay attending to how the makeup artists and hair stylists do their jobs. The hair and makeup needs of a film set are dissimilar from that of the studio.

Not simply volition you be asked to make people wait intentionally ugly, you'll be asked to keep close rails of how anybody looks.

The script supervisor covers continuity, yeah, but your job is to help them as best y'all can.

3. Read the script

This is less cosmetology school and more film school, but if given the opportunity, always read the script before starting a task.

Information technology's one of the key elements in discovering how to get a makeup artist for film.  Because yous are, above all else, a makeup artist and hair stylist for moving picture.

You can practice by reading the scripts of some of your favorite films and how they handled pilus and makeup.

Scripts for winners of the University Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling are frequently readily bachelor on the internet -- download those and give them a read.

Like everyone else on set up, the hair and makeup department is in that location not to make any one person look amazing, but to service the movie. That means understanding the director'southward vision and the intention of the screenwriter.

If you're a key, this will help you when you start talking to the production designer and cinematographer. If yous're only a hair stylist or makeup artist, it will assist y'all fix for each 24-hour interval'due south work.

Keys love working with people who are prepared.

4. Be a good listener

Aside from being a skillful life skill, beingness a good listener is invaluable part of how to go a makeup creative person or hair stylist.

Firstly, you'll have to listen to direction from the key, the production designer, or director. Even glory hair stylists take to accept good direction to lucifer the vision of the film.

Secondly, you'll need to mind to the actor you're working on. Not just if they're happy with the way they look, only if something is painful. Unexpected allergies are not uncommon and tin can be quite serious.

Finally, you'll want to exist good at listening to people'due south problems. Fairly or not, many larger Hollywood take the attitude that the makeup artist is something of an on-set therapist.

An director might send an overwrought star to your chair to have their hair and makeup touched up and given a chance to collect themselves.

It may not be what you signed upward for, only it is better to exist prepared for when it does happen.

Go Your First Chore

Perhaps more important than "how to become a makeup artist" is "how to go a working makeup creative person".

In the film industry, there's more than supply than demand. Competition is vehement.

Still, in that location are things yous tin can do to put yourself ahead of the competition.

1. Don't quit your day job

At least, not initially.

Makeup artists and hair stylists are lucky compared to other set positions.

Their skill sets permit them to work another job between shoots. A hair stylist's salary volition help go along the rent paid in the meantime, and it's a job with flexible hours for when your first break comes.

Hair and Makeup - Salon - ProductionBeast

Plus, hiring producers need to get their hair cut as well!

If you've gotten your start at a salon, don't quit just because y'all booked your start gig. Chances are your first gig is a short or a educatee film that doesn't pay anything.

More often than not, you'll exist working to build your portfolio.

2. Build your portfolio

Your portfolio is your calling card. Your resume and film credits help you stay connected, only it's your portfolio that proves you can practise the task.

There's an art to maintaining a portfolio -- it shouldn't exist likewise long, but should catch attention immediately.  Keep it updated with your most recent (and about heady piece of work) and be certain to showcase your range, at least early on.

ProductionBeast allows you to upload video portfolios to your contour, and it is becoming increasingly mutual to include a video portfolio alongside a personal still website.

This would be a skillful fourth dimension to hitting up any editor friends you have.

three. Make new friends

Aside from applying to chore openings, the other main way people notice jobs in the biz is through personal contacts.

You should always update your ProductionBeast profile every time you finish a shoot and so you can keep in contact with everyone y'all worked with. If a key actually liked you and can discover you easily, they're far more likely to hire you lot again.

Don't forget to make friends with the actors you work with as well. You never know when someone is going to intermission big.  And when (if) they do, they might decide to bring you lot with them every bit their personal hair stylist or makeup artist.

four. Get paid

Like everything in Hollywood, makeup creative person and pilus stylists' salaries are discipline to negotiation. If you've won a All-time Makeup Oscar recently, you can wait to be paid more than someone fresh out of cosmetology school.

Hair and makeup artists are often paid by their mean solar day rate, which can vary depending on the experience level of the artist and the complication of the shoot.

Nevertheless, no affair what the complication, it's very important that they are clear with the producer on how they're defining "day".

Day tin mean the standard 8 hour day, simply ten, 12, even xv hour days are not uncommon on prepare.

Even if yous aren't in the union, there may be certain legal rights y'all are entitled to in regards to overtime pay. You can make the call to push for those rights or not, simply it's of import to know.

5. Bring together a guild (if you're eligible)

Hair stylists and makeup artists are represented past I.A.T.Southward.E. Local 706, also known as the Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Guild.

If y'all've worked the required number of hours, you lot'll be eligible for membership, which allows you admission to their wellness and alimony plans.  It likewise means you're subject to the mandatory minimums that have been pre-negotiated for you by your union.

Yous'll also have to work within the dictates of your wedlock, which may restrict the jobs you can take. Everything'south a trade-off in Hollywood.

Photographic camera Ready

Audiences oftentimes don't detect hair and makeup unless they're big and obvious. Aliens on other worlds, hairstyles from ages past.

Merely every movie, from the biggest HBO blockbuster to the smallest student brusque needs a good hair and makeup person on hand to make everything look right under the harsh glare of the lights and uncompromising lense of the camera.

Picture show makeup artist salaries and film pilus stylist salaries may seem loftier sometimes -- but brand no dubiousness, they earn them.

Makeup artists and pilus stylists, what's your favorite picture show makeup job that isn't sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or a menstruation piece?

Let us know in the comments below!

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